Student, faculty, and staff research protocols that require IRB 批准 are provided to the 院校检讨委员会 (IRB) in the 应用程序 for Institutional Review 涉及人类受试者的研究.  IRB的批准必须在任何数据之前收到 开始收集.

应用程序 自我评价形式

The completed application and supporting documents should be emailed to 两者均只接受电子提交 .医生或 .PDF格式将被接受. 所有 attached files should be titled with the primary investigator's last name and the name of the file (for example: Wilson IRB Informed Consent). 提交后, the Chair will review your application for category designation and potential review 委员会.

所有 questions must be answered and requested materials included for the application 由内部审查委员会审议.  不完整的申请,或者细节很少的申请 具体的细节会耽误审查.  问题必须在表格上作答,不要填写 回答“见附件”.仔细阅读每个问题,并确定你已经回答了 完全提供所要求的.

The application must include the original signature of the principal investigator(s) and, for student research, the original signature of the faculty advisor.  应用程序 没有签名将被视为不完整. 签名表示理解 of the policies and procedures of the 十大赌博正规平台在线 research policies, and the principles of ethical treatment of human participants in research projects as set forth in the 贝尔蒙特的报告.


豁免审查: At 十大赌博正规平台在线, the determination of exempt does not need to be provided by the IRB.  教师, staff, or faculty advisors to student research can make this determination.  An IRB member should be consulted if you are unsure whether or not your research 是否免于审查委员会的审查.

Activities that are exempt include research involving evaluation of normal education practices (such as regular faculty evaluations); research utilizing existing data that is publicly available or cannot be linked to individual subjects (such as census data); or activities undertaken for educational purposes that will not be presented 或发表. 

加快审查:  应用程序 for research with human subjects who are not in a vulnerable group and with minimal potential risk for participants, receive an expedited review by the IRB在持续的基础上.  在秋季和春季学期,大多数申请都是这样 提交后两周内审核.  在暑假和课间休息的时候 这个过程需要更长的时间.

全面回顾:  应用程序 for research with a vulnerable group (under 19, those with mental impairment, 等.) and/or research with potential risk for participants, require full review.  完整的 审查每月在内部审查委员会的会议上进行一次. 应用程序要求 下午5点前要把完整的报告交给教务处.m. 在每个月的第一个星期一 月. 


For the IRB to render a decision regarding an application, four of the five Board 会员必须出席会议. 申请的批准需要 内部审查委员会的一致决定.  不在场的内部审查委员会成员可以提交书面意见 to be considered by those present, but will not have a vote on the application.

However, in the case of applications for protocols that include subjects under the age of 18 or those who may be considered compromised vulnerable subjects, unanimous 批准 must include all five IRB members Following review of the application, the IRB将作出以下决定之一:

  • 未经修改批准: No changes are needed; the application is approved as of the date of the decision.
  • 应用程序挂起:   The application is incomplete, needs simple concurrence by the investigator, or 在IRB考虑之前进行微小的修改.
  • 经修改后批准:协议需要修改.  自决定作出之日起批准; however, modifications need to be provided to and approved by the IRB Chair before 数据收集开始.
  • 否认:  The research design or methods do not ensure human subject protection.

The Chair of the IRB will notify the Principal Investigator and the Provost's Office 审核委员会对每项申请的决定. 信件将寄给调查人员。 按申请表上提供的地址邮寄.  在学生研究的情况下,一份副本 这封信将被发送给指导老师.

In the event that modification is required, additional information is required, or the application is denied, the Chair will notify the Principal Investigator in writing of the changes needed, information requested, or reason for denial.

Pursuant to federal regulations, all IRB applications, correspondence, and minutes of all meetings are kept in the Provost's Office and retained for at least three years, and records pertaining to research will be retained for three years following completion 研究的一部分.

Approval of a research project is for the duration of 12 月s from the date of IRB 批准. IRB 批准 must be renewed at the end of the 12 月 period for the research 遵守学院的政策. 使用申请表提交续期 for Institutional Review 涉及人类受试者的研究.


This classification includes 1) principal investigators who are not current Aquinas College administrators, faculty, staff, or students and 2) principal investigators who are not identified as principal investigators or other investigators on research projects with current 十大赌博正规平台在线 administrators, faculty, staff, or students.

If a researcher is not affiliated with 十大赌博正规平台在线, but wants to use College resources for research purposes or collect data from 十大赌博正规平台在线 students, faculty, staff, or administrators, the following information must be submitted before the IRB will conduct a review of a research proposal (IRB 批准 is required before data collection 开始):

A written statement from the College President or the College President’s designee granting the researcher permission to contact members of the campus community (human subjects) for his/her/their proposed human subjects research.

  • 致税务局的信,详述:
    • 研究人员所属机构和职位;
    • 研究者的教育和培训,
    • 建议项目的目的,以及
    • 在十大赌博正规平台在线收集数据的原因.
  • A copy of the approved application for Institutional Review of Research Involving 来自研究人员所在机构的人类受试者.
  • A completed research application for review by the 十大赌博正规平台在线 IRB